Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jr. Blackshirts

Samantha rode to Lincoln with us for the Husker game last Saturday. Instead of going to the game, she went to a day-care program called the "Jr. Blackshirts" that is held at the Rec Center on the UNL campus. She spent the day with other 2 & 3 year olds having fun, while we cheered on the Huskers! She seemed to have fun, but was really tired when we picked her up because she missed her afternoon nap! She was also STARVING!! We sent a lunch with her in her "Little Miss Sunshine" lunch box, but the helpers only found 1/2 of her lunch. They didn't unzip the other 1/2 of her lunch. So, all she got was a lunchable and juice box (and she really only ate the cheese and crackers out of the lunch box). She didn't get to eat her pretzels, apple, cookies, or fruit snacks! She gobbled down the fruit snacks, pretzels, and cookies as soon as we were on the road. The only thing she tells us about her day there, was that she saw "Big Red" and she gets really excited, so we think she means "Little Red" the mascot, but she really enjoyed his visit. She'll go again this week to the Jr. Blackshirts, so we'll see if she gets more for dinner this time! :)

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3 years old - Nov 2008

3 years old - Nov 2008