Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Doodlebugging on Father's Day

The kids were ready to go and Doug had just got everything set up!
All hooked up and ready to go!
This is how Alden slept the whole time we were riding!
Sam, Alden & I pose for a quick picture before we get the kids out to play at the park.
Alden-happy to be out of the Doodlebug!
Glowing in the sun!
Notice Sam's big feet! (Well, they are actually really small for her age, but compared to Alden's tiny feet, they look monstrous!)

We took the Doodlebug out for a ride on Sunday (Father's Day). Doug said that's the only thing he wanted for Father's Day- was to go for a family bike ride. We hadn't been able to go earlier in the summer because of bad allergies and because it was too cold! We got up really early and got set to go to Bellevue and at about 8:30am we got up to the round-a-bout in the car on the edge of Plattsmouth and saw lightning and we had to turn around and go back home. Samantha was so upset, so the only way to cheer her up was to get doughnuts on the way home from Stan's bakery. We got home just in time for the winds to pick up and the rain to start pouring down. We ate our doughnuts and watched the storm and hoped that we could just delay our bike ride for a few hours.

Luckily, the storm went through the Omaha area rather quickly, so by 10am, we were back on the road and headed towards Bellevue. We parked by Culvers/Twin Creek Theaters and rode the Keystone Trail. It was the 1st time Alden had ridden in the Doodlebug. He slept most of the ride in a very uncomfortable position. Samantha talked to us most of the time and just watch the scenery. The trail follows the Papio Creek and had flooded with all the rain the area had gotten, so we knew we'd have to ride through some puddles, but when we went under one of the underpasses, we ended up getting stuck in the mud! We had to get off our bikes and push the Doodlebug up the hill and then try to get some of the mud off that was caked on our bikes. For the next underpass, we decided to walk the bikes up and over the road to avoid mud. Well, that only led to a lot of trouble because the gate wasn't open to the road from the trail, so we had to push/lift the Doodlebug over some barbed wire and lots of weeds.

We stopped in Papillion for Samantha to play at a park and for us to take a break. Doug had to pull almost 100 lbs behind him with the weight of the Doodlebug, Samantha, Alden & then the diaper bag/toys we brought. We rode about 13 miles and had a good time being together as a family. Maybe next time Alden will be able to enjoy the ride more and sleep less!

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3 years old - Nov 2008

3 years old - Nov 2008