Doug threw me a surprise 30th birthday party on Saturday night! I had told him that I wanted to get some friends together to celebrate...however that's how I left it. I just assumed that Doug didn't follow up on that request. My friend Christie took me to get a pedicure that afternoon and she was supposed to drop me off at my in-laws house because we were going to celebrate with Doug's family that night. I thought Christie & I were going to do a little shopping before heading home, but her husband had texted her and told her that he needed to sleep a little before working the night shit that night. (Or so I thought!!) So, we headed home. Well, boy was I in for a surprise! As we drove up to the house I saw black and pink balloons and when I walked in the door, everyone yelled surprise! It was a great surprise! Christie had been helping Doug the whole time! Doug had been texting her, and not Mike! It was too funny! I didn't peg her as the "lying" type, but now I'll have to watch out now! :) ( Just kidding Christie!)
It was a great evening and all the kids played well together! The kids played in the water for about 3-4 hours and they never got tired of it!
Fun in the water!
Teather Ball!
Alden, Samantha, Evan, Jayger, & Grant take a break from swimming!
Jayger & Alden just chilled!
Looking over the neighbor's fence! So cute!
Clair & Tyler played Teather Ball together!
Such a cute picture! They were waiting for us to say "okay you can go back into the water now"
Samantha, Grant, Drew, Alden, & Jayger
Everyone sang happy birthday so nicely! :)

My awesome cake and the Mickey Mouse candle that Christie brought!
My friend Kathy and her son Tyler! Check out those curls! :)
Megan and Clair enjoyed the "little" picnic table!

You could said that Clair enjoyed the cake! :)
Thank you to Doug for throwing me the party! Thanks to Christie for helping him fool me! Thanks to Sandy & Jim for making all the food and letting us use your house! Thanks to Jodi for helping Sandy with the food! And thank you to all my friends for helping me celebrate!
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