I was in charge of Vacation Bible School again this year for the Plattsmouth First United Methodist Church. Our theme was SonSurf Beach Bash and was so much fun! We averaged about 60 kids a night! We had music, games, Bible stories, snacks, and crafts each night of VBS. It was a huge success!
We started making decorations and props about a month before VBS and we started decorating the hallways and rooms on the Friday before VBS. It look lots of time to set everything up - THANK YOU to all who helped me!

Christie Haag helped me tremendously with VBS preparations!
Crafts and supplies ready to go! I had to watch 60 white towels to get ready for tie dying on the 2nd night of VBS. The UMW provided us with money to purchase the towels!
Laura & Anna Glynn helped in the weeks before VBS!
Kristi, Donna, Heather & Kasey helped with setting up the hallways and rooms in the days before VBS started.
The stage was set up for our nightly skit and for class pictures!
Registration Table
This was the craft room - all set up for kids!
The kids played games inside the first couple nights because the heat index was over 100*!
We tie died towels as Mariah helped to tie die Betsy & Maggie's towels because they weren't there this night! They turned out very neat!
Kelby tie dying her towel!
Donna Glynn led the Bible Stories Sunday-Wednesday. We set the room up like a campfire!
Samantha's Class - Yellow Seashorses - Katie Graves led this group!
Snacks! Big D's Dinner! Sharon Smith, Margaret Ann & Jerry Blackwell, & Tina Harvey helped with snacks each night. Doug's mom - Sandy McKnight-made all the snacks for the kids to eat!
Kyle Graves led the games each night. Andy Rishel, Kiley Wheatley, & Max Hjermstad helped each night!
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