Tonight we went to Alden's preschool welcome picnic! It's hard for me to imagine that 2 of my babies will be in school this year! Alden will be in preschool on Tuesdays and Thursday from 8-10:30am. He is a very shy child around people that he doesn't know, so I've been worried about how he'll do at preschool!
Tonight I learned that there are only 6 kids (total) in his morning preschool class! Of those 6 kids, he know 4 of the them! Only one kid will be a new face, which means he can really be himself!
He did very good at the dinner and then we went to his classroom and looked around. We found his name in the hallway and his birthday star on the wall of the classroom! We went outside to check out the playground! I think he'll be just fine without me there to hold his hand! It brings tears to my eyes, yet joy in my heart all at the same time! We'll update you on his first day - August 23rd!

He got to wear a name tag and seemed so serious tonight! This baby of mine is growing up!
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