I am in charge of our Sunday School once again this year! We had our Sunday School kick-off party on September 11th. We had 19 kids in Sunday School (which is great compared to our average of 7 kids each Sunday last year). We also have some new teachers which I am thoroughly thankful for!! We have A LOT of 3 year olds! If all our 3 year olds come to Sunday School at the same time we could have 11 of them! This is awesome for the future of our church!
Each year, I take pictures of the Sunday School kids and put them up on a bulletin board in the hallway! Its fun to see how they each grow up over the summer!
One of the bulletin boards reads: "GOD'S LOVE IS SO BRIGHT, I GOTTA WEAR SHADES!" Each kid has sunglasses on in their pictures! (I stole this idea from a past Sunday School leader/teacher at our church!)
The kids sang at the 10:45am church service. I didn't get to watch because I was running around like a chicken...
Jessica, Ian, Samantha, & Kaia would not cooperate for a picture! I love Ian's face...I can hear him say "What are these girls doing to me?"

I needed some help hauling some tables/chairs, so I called my dad! Even at my age (which I will not say what exactly that is!), a girl still needs her daddy! :) He was a lot of help! He hauled me around to run errands in town and then stayed and ate with our group and played with the kids! Thanks Dad!
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