My MOPS group had a playdate at the Henry Doorly Zoo on September 19th.

Alden, JD, & Clair played on the Lions while we waited for the other moms to arrive!

JD, Alden, & Clair had a great time together!

Alaina has the cutes smile!

And Ashleigh (and Alaina!) are always so stylish!

We had 9 moms & 1 dad and LOTS of kids come to the playdate! Christie's husband Mike was very brave hanging out with all of us women! (Mike took the picture for us!)

Jayger, Alden, Grant, and Mikenna liked to run ahead of all of us! They had so much energy!

We hit the gorillas and then walked over the Petting Zoo. Grant & Mikenna liked the goats.

The kids always find this ball so much fun! They got very soaked this time!

JD & Alden are only a few weeks apart in age and are getting to be pretty good friends!

Alden keeps getting taller and taller and taller....
We had a fun day with our friends, but it was challenging keeping up with all the kids and making sure we didn't lose one or two! My kids slept the whole way home!
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