We celebrated Samantha's 4th Birthday with our families on Friday, November 6th at our house. Samantha had been sick the previous day, and still wasn't 100%, but her fever was gone, so we went on with the party! Samantha had a lot of fun and got some great gifts! Uncle Greg was in town from Seattle and brought his friend Troy. It was the first time we had seen Greg since May when he moved out there. Others in attendance: Uncle Chris, Auntie Debra, Nebraska City Grandma & Grandpa, Grandma & Grandpa by the lake -a.k.a. McKnight (thats what Samantha calls them "by the lake grandparents" - she comes up with the funniest things), Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa McKnight, Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Holman, Aunt Jodi, Cousin Jamie & her boyfriend Brandon. She got a doll that can go in the bath with her, UNO Moo game, clothes, Tinkerbell table & chairs, Tinkerbell -the new movie, Barbie figurine, princess puzzle, Princess Yatzee game, Cinderella & pony, Princess piano, princess tea cart, dance bag to put her shoes in for dance lessons, Turtle necklace and travel fund money, and money for college. We all had Minnie Mouse cake after presents.
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