Clair was baptized on Sunday, November 8th at the First United Methodist Church in Plattsmouth. We had a wonderful service and awesome weather for her special day. Doug's sister Debra took the day off from her church to baptize her at our church, and she also did the sermon during the church service. She helped with both of Samantha & Alden's baptisms while she was in seminary school, so we were so happy she was able to do Clair's too. Clair was asleep until Debra put the water on her head and then she started screaming. Doug's brother Greg & my brother Chris stood up with us as they are "Godfathers" for Samantha & Alden too. All of our grandparents were there: Lila & Cecil, Don & Liz, and Verna Mae. My aunts: Lisa, Susie, and Janet came as well as Janet's husband Craig and my cousins: Scott, Keith, Kate, & Bryan. Doug's aunt Jodi came too. After the service, we went back to our house and had breakfast and cake.
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