We had a good first week home with Clair. She is a very good baby girl! She sleeps about 3 hours and then eats and then sleeps another couple hours and eats and then does the same thing all over again! Samantha & Alden are adjusting to life as big sister and big brother. Alden has done fairly well with Clair, considering she totally interrupted his life! His main issue is that I can't pick him up because of my c-section. So, once I can pick him up, I think he will be a lot happier! We gave Clair her first bath at home on Tuesday. Doug was afraid the kids would try to help too much, but they just watched intently! My mom came up on Wednesday afternoon and stayed until Saturday afternoon to help me out and it was wonderful! She took care of Sam & Alden and I focused on Clair. She helped me take Clair for her first Dr. Appt in Fremont with Dr. (Uncle) Tom on Wednesday afternoon. She did great! She is up to 8 lbs 8 oz (up 4 oz from her discharged hospital weight of 8 lbs 4 oz). She even enjoyed the car ride there and back for the most part! We stopped in Omaha on the way home to get groceries, so it was a long trip for her!
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