Our last full day in the hospital was a mellow one. We only had a few visitors, which gave us time to rest! We took a couple naps and Clair got her first professional (by the nurse) pictures taken in the nursery. You can view them at: http://www.our365.com/NewbornPortraits/BabyDetail.aspx?BirthId=b7fe7032-92be-4344-89ea-f41e83192946
If you need a password use: merritt. Samantha & Alden came with Grandma & Grandpa McKnight in the morning; then we had Doug's dental assistant and my friend Kim Stec, who brought us some yummy cookies; Doug's friend Scott Sneller, who was back from Army deployment in Afganistan for his sister's wedding, came and visisted; Pastor Larry & his wife Ellie also visited us. Lastly, my parents came up after work and helped Doug carry a bunch of stuff to the car to get ready for going home the next morning. They also brought us supper because we were sick of hospital food! :)
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