July 5th was a lot better for our plan of soaking up some rays! After their bike ride and naps, we met our friends Kathy & Nathan and their 8 month old son Kaleb at Doug's parent's house for some fun in the blow up kiddie pool. Because of Alden's surgery, he couldn't venture into the lake for fear of infection, so we were stuck with the little kiddie pool. Samantha & Alden had a tea party in the water - which was a little too chilly for Kaleb's liking! ;) Alden & Sam also rant through the sprinkler a few times before heading inside for a cookie. Aunt Jodi also brought a few parachutes to shoot off because she found out that Alden loved them on the 4th of July. After Kathy & Nathan left, our friend's Lynn & Nathan came out with their children - Jack & Ava. They played in the little pool for awhile before Samantha & Jack got bored and decided to go play in the sand and leave Alden in the dust! :) Alden didn't like that too much, so I let him play in the sand for a few minutes, which let to wanting to get in the water...so Alden & I went inside and showered off. Jack & Samantha could have played outside for hours, but everyone came in and ate supper a little while later.
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