Alden had to have surgery to fix his circumcision on Wednesday - July 1st. We had to be at Boys Town Hospital in Downtown Omaha at 7:30am. My mom came up the night before to watch Sam and take her to swim lessons that day. After we checked in, they gave us our own private room and Alden got to play in the room for quite awhile before they took him back for surgery. He loved to play in the little "bubble" window made just for kids and the child life specialist brought us a few toys to occupy him. He got to wear Bugs Bunny PJ's from the hospital, but didn't like his ID band on his ankle! They came in about 9am and gave him some Versed (medication to calm his nerves) and that made him just plain LOOPY!! ;) He was very entertaining to us over the next 1/2 hour. We learned that after about 10 minutes, he couldn't walk anymore and then just started singing songs from cartoons that he likes! He even let Doug hold him for awhile when was all drugged up. The anesthesiologist came in and told Alden they were going to blow up a yellow balloon and so Alden kept saying "Balloon" until they came and took him back for the surgery. Alden did great during the surgery and he slept like a baby for a little while after it. When they brought him back to us, he was still saying "Balloon". We thought he'd forget! :) Apparently, the "blowing up the balloon" phrase just to get him back there to blow into a mask to put him to sleep, but Alden remembered! Luckily, later in the day, my mom and Sam brought him a balloon to cheer him up. Doug's sister Debra & mom came to give us some moral support after he woke up! Alden didn't like the pulse ox. meter on his big toe, so Debra and Alden were making his new Crocodile that the hospital gave him "jump" over the cord to distract Alden. We were only there until 10:30am and then they thought Alden was doing great, so we got to go home! The rest of the day, Alden was his normal ornery self! :)
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