Unlce Greg, Jamie, Sam & Aunt Jodi on the dance floor showing off their moves.

Jamie watching Samantha and Jodi getting their groove on!
Samantha & Doug
Jamie, Samantha & Brandon
Samantha dancing with Uncle Tom
Alden finally awake and dancing with Aunt Jodi.
Doug's cousin Dustin McKnight got married in Columbia, MO to Goldie (that's where the "Gold" "Dust" comes from). Early on Saturday morning, Doug, Debbie, Sam, Alden & I got in the van and drove to Columbia. Samantha was very entertained by the DVD player in the van and Alden slept most of the way down (mainly because I got him up at 5am that morning so that he would sleep later!). We got to Columbia and checked into our hotel and then got dressed for the wedding and then headed over to the church for a McKnight family picture. (It was the first time all the grandkids and such had been together for quite some time!)
The wedding was very pretty. Doug video taped the wedding/reception, so luckily I had a lot of people to help with the kids. The reception was a lot of fun. Samantha was on the dance floor the WHOLE night! She had alot of fun dancing with Jamie, Jodi, Greg, Eric, Tom, Alex, Curtis, Great-Grandpa, Sara, and Doug & I! (Samantha & Doug had been practicing dancing by listening to their iTunes library at home.) Samantha was very excited the whole week about going to the wedding. She woke up on Friday morning (the day before the wedding) and said "Go to wedding, mom!".
Alden slept on various people throughout the whole night. Sara Weekly held him at the beginning and Grandma Sandy held him the rest of the time. He finally woke up at about 10pm, which made for a great night of sleep for all of us! :)
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