Samantha opening her Easter Basket from my parents.
Alden in his Easter Basket from my parents.
Sitting in the Bumbo chair digging through his Easter basket.
Shayle & Sam see what they got in their eggs.
Easter was a lot of fun this year. Samantha was at a good age for egg hunting (eventhough, I'm sure that next year will be even better because she might understand that she is racing other kids to get the eggs). We did two public egg hunts this year. On Saturday morning, Samantha, Alden & I headed down to Humboldt and Doug came down later. My dad and my cousin Kayla helped us out at the Humboldt Egg Hunt and the Pawnee City egg hunt. She got 6 eggs in Humboldt and Alden got 1 egg. Then, she got 7 eggs in Pawnee City (with a little help from Kayla). She was very excited about taking the eggs home! The Pawnee City hunt gave her a $1 coin for her yellow egg and $ .25 (cents) for her green eggs.
On Easter morning, the Easter Bunny had come and the Alden & Samantha got their Easter baskets. Alden got a "Leo" from the Little Einsteins (mainly to chew on so that he doesn't chew on Samantha's "June & Annie" dolls from the Little Einsteins), some pacifiers, baby food, some "Brightlings" toys and a jumper he can wear this summer. Samantha got some My Little Ponies, fruit snacks, color book, The Bee Movie, and a dress for summer.
Alden's Easter basket from my parents was in a dump truck (and he fit in it!). It had clothes, baby food, a hedgehog and a musical fish bowl. Samantha's Easter basket was in play suitcases with princesses on them. She got a frog dressed up like the Easter bunny, clothes, and some Little People Easter toys.
We went to church in Pawnee City with my grandma Farmer and then headed to grandma's house for Easter dinner. After dinner, the little kids had an egg hunt in the back yard. After the egg hunt, we decided to head for Plattsmouth and give the kids a nap in the van.
When we got to Plattsmouth the Easter Bunny (Uncle "Dr." Tom--was Samantha says-- was the Easter bunny) greeted us at the door. Tom used to dress up as the Easter bunny with Doug and his cousins were little. Shayle also greeted us at the door and Samantha & Shayle went on an egg hunt. There were lots of eggs filled with candy and money around the house. Auntie Debra gave Samantha a bubble blower and gave Alden a chocolate duck (because she calls him "duckling"). Doug's parents gave Alden a duck that qucks and an outfit for summer and Samantha got a bunny that giggles, a shirt and some books. Great Grandma & Great Grandpa McKnight got Samantha a HUGE Stuffed bunny, some M&Ms and a slinky. Alden got a sand bucket and little duck that quacks.
What a darling family you have!
Looks like Easter was a real
God Bless you!
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