It was a wonderful October day. We had Jake and the Neverland Pirates Soundtrack blasting. Kids in costume. Fun was to be had.

Clair getting out on the playground before the guest arived.

Boys in pirate gear!

Mikena & Alden

What kind of pirate wears an eye patch on top of their head?

First up a 'pin the tail on...' type of game involving an eye patch on a pirate. Time to spin the birthday boy.

Lets just say doing this up hill makes it a little more of a challenge. Alden placed his on the fence. Did it feel like the shed Alden?

Sam cheated and felt her way over to the paper.

Doug spun the older kids more. He got Grant DIZZY!

Mikena's top was spinning but her feet were not.

Next up a ball relay.

Tressure toss to the tressure chest.

Can't belive Alden could see through all that hair.

Present time!

It's Rex!

Group shot. This was the best we could do.

Alden with a pirate cup cake.


Pinata time. Birthday boy goes first.

Then youngest to oldest.

Sam gets a crack at it.

Michelle in to finish off the job.

The madness!

Is Alden using his sword to fight for loot?

Bags of loot and tresure.
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