Fall is in Full Swing and Sam is loving soccer this year.

Her team is rolling over everybody. That's the advantage of being some of the older kids in the age group.

Other team kicked off. Sam attacks the ball.

She takes the ball.

And Scores.
Now time to head to Lincoln for the Ohio State v. Nebraska game. It was the first Big Ten Game in Memorial Stadium. Also it was the first time Clair was old enough for Jr. Black shirts. The minimum age is two.

Loaded up and rolling towards campus.

Stopped at a park on the way. We got their early to park so tried to have some fun.

Can Alden ever be serious?

So not one picture of all kids looking at the same time.

A stop at the Nebraska Union for some ice cream from the UNL Dairy Store. Now it is time to check into Jr. Blackshirts. They can check in 90min before kick off and we have 45 min to pick them up after the game.

The kids let their balloons go before we went in.

There they go with the rec center in the background

Clair did not want to part with hers

Sam got it away from her and it got stuck in the tree. Some how that was funny to them for days. When they let balloons go now they think they are going to Japan for their friends Caden and Cody to see.

Opening kick off of the game. Turned out to be a great game in the off and on rain that night. When we picked the kids up at 10:45 at night Alden was running around like a wild man with some other boys, Sam was doing crafts, and Clair was sharing her blanket with the other kids.