We went out to Doug's parent's house on Memorial Day afternoon (after planting the flowers). We needed some beach time like every other Memorial Day in the past!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Memorial Day Zoo Trip in the wind!!!!!
On Memorial Day, we decided to go the zoo since we'd be out in the open air. Clair was still sick and we thought that outside air might make her feel better. I think it tired her out more, but not sure if it made her better. We only stayed a few hours, but that was long enough to see our favorite stuff! 

We saw the Rhinos on the top of the hill...it was a hard hill to climb with 2 passengers in the double stroller!

The sun was in our eyes, but it looks like Alden is saluting something/someone!
The Cheetah babies were out and they were very cute!
Our patriotic group shot!
Planting Flowers With Lots of Help
Friday, June 17, 2011
Verdon Christian Church
On the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend, the kids and I decorated the graves on my dad's side. We went to Brownville, Nebraska where we put flowers on my Great-Great-Great Grandfather's grave who died in the Civil War. The kids were amazed to see all moss on it and that you could barely read the name MERRITT. Next we went to Nemaha, Nebraska where my Grandpa Ward & Grandma Pearl Merritt are buried as well as my Great-Grandpa Sherman & Great-Grandma Madge Irene Merritt, and my great-uncle & aunt - Perry & Goldina Merritt. We also have a few other great-aunts and cousins buried here on my grandpa Merritt's side. Next we went on to Verdon, Nebraska where my Grandma Pearl's side is buried. My Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Cook, my Great-Uncle Keith, his wife, and his son Jack, and my Great-Aunt Jane's husband - Walter are all buried here at Verdon.
After placing flowers on the grave, we drove through the town of Verdon to look at the Verdon Christian Church. I grew up in this church, going to Sunday School each Sunday and VBS in the summer. My Grandpa Ward was the preacher here, along with many other churches in SE Nebraska. He went to 2-3 churches every Sunday to preach! The kids thought it was pretty neat to see another church my grandpa preached at (last year we stopped at the Brownville United Methodist Church where he also preached at) (click here to check out last year's trip to Brownville United Methodist Church).
Micro Soccer
Samantha had a fun season of Micro Soccer! Her cousins - Drew & Emily - were both on her team and her coaches - Anna & Laura - are our babysitters! Samantha will have 2 more Micro Soccer seasons - Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 (with Alden)
Alden can play Micro Soccer next Spring! One more season on the sidelines!
Tunnel after the victory! (I think we won this one - we don't keep score, but I think it's fair to say we won this one!)
They all got medals after the final game! The coaches brought ice cream sandwiches for the kids and we all hung out after the game on the field.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Random afternoon at the Zoo
Yep back at the Henry Doorly Zoo...this was for a quick afternoon trip on Doug's day off. We only spent about an hour there but it wasn't busy since we got there after everyone was leaving.
We checked out the giraffes.
Some Penguins and Fish. Alden is a penguin expert now and tells us everything wither we want to know or not. (see why here)
Clair is getting so big!
They act as if they get along just long enough for a picture with some sharks.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Preschool Field Trip to the Zoo
A cold day for a field trip!! May 13th was the day for Samantha's preschool field trip. We stayed bundled up the whole day! The wind was crazy this day and the temperature barely made it to 50 degrees!
Anna O., Samantha, & Anna J. - waiting to go inside! They all love PINK!
Emily M. & Samantha - Cousins! Emily, Taryn, & Alison brought us bagels from Panera! :)
We stopped at the butterfly chairs for a quick picture on the way to see the Butterflies!
Miss Nancy & Miss Janet - you will have your hands full next year! Alden & Mikena make a crazy pair!
We saw Emily Z. on our way to the car.
It was a little bittersweet this year at the zoo for the last get together with Samantha's preschool friends. Samantha is going to Public School for Kindergarden next year along with Marcus, Anna O., and few others, but most of the other kids are going to St. John's for Kindergarden. A couple others are taking another year in preschool. And Caden is moving to Japan in August! :(
Last Day of Pre-School & Kindergarden Check up!
Samantha had a picnic on her last day of preschool. We had to have it inside because it was too rainy for outside. Doug joined us, so we were all 5 were there. Alden had fun playing with the big kids and was excited about knowing he would be going to preschool in August.
Emily Z., Samantha, & Anna J.
Praying before their sandwiches.
Samantha again with Emily Z. and Anna J.
Marcus & Alden.
Putting on their bookbags for the last time in preschool! Caden, Samantha, & Grant
Jayger, Samantha, & Trevor
Future preschoolers (in August) - Alden & Mikena.
Clair walked out with Mandy (Caden's Mom) & Doug. She insisted on holding those two people's hands...not mom's :(
Clair, Alden, & Samantha outside of St. John's School building.

Samantha refused to cooperate for photos!

After preschool, we dropped Alden off at Grandma Sandy's house and headed for Fremont to get Samantha's Kindergarden Physical, and Clair's 18 month shots.
Samantha took over the camera...
Samantha loves to steal the camera!
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3 years old - Nov 2008