On the Saturday before Easter we were invited to the Linda & Carl Glup's Egg hunt. The kids have always had a wonderful time at their hunt.

Clair was good at spotting the eggs, but not so good at picking them up. Here she displays her skill of stopping 2 feet away and pointing.
Finally Ruby Campin got tired of Clair pointing at it, so she picked it up and put it in Clair's basket.

Alden was off to the races. He also slid into many of the eggs to pick them up, and we would say "safe" like he was sliding into home plate.

Samantha was a fast picker-upper. If only picking up toys in the house was as fun as an egg hunt we could have a spotless house.

Alden wanted a picture with the Easter bunny right after he got done asking "who's in there" to the bunny. They both posed the same way! It was too cute.
Linda had invited some real bunnies to the party. Kim & Derek brought out Pancake and Popcorn. The kids all loved petting the bunnies.
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