Samantha was chosen to be a flower girl for the Plattsmouth Harvest Festival on Thursday, September 9th. She got to wear her pretty Easter dress again and walked down before the queen and threw out confetti (they really should have called the girls "confetti" girls because they didn't get to throw flowers!). My friend Mandy came over to our house before the coronation and did her hair and she looked so pretty! My mom and my dad came and helped watch the kids while I stood in the back with Samantha until she walked down. Doug's parents came to watch and so did Doug's grandma & grandpa McKnight. Alden & Clair did great waiting and waiting and waiting for Samantha to walk down! (It really took forever to get to her part!) She had a lot of fun waiting though, as her friends were participating in the coronation as well. Her friend Marcus carried the robe for the queen and her friend Courtney was a flower girl too!
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