My friend from high school - Jennifer Teeter - and her girls came to Plattsmouth on September 16th and we carpooled to Humboldt for the Richardson County Fair. We both hadn't been to the fair in a few years, so we decided to go together! Samantha & Jen's middle daughter - Riley - are the same age, so they always have fun together. Clair & Makaya - Jen's youngest daughter are also the same age! We had 5 carseats in my van on way down - it was a full load! We got there just in time for the parade at 11:00am. The kids had fun collecting candy and waving at the people in the parade. Alden LOVED watching the bands. After the parade, we ate lunch at the Band Parent's Stand - something that Jen & I both LOVE doing and missed dearly when we couldn't get back for the fair! We had hamburgers and soup and pie and a lot more! Needless to say... we were stuffed! After lunch, we let the kids ride some rides and they had a lot of fun. Alden was so bummed when he ran out of ride tickets! :) We decided we had spent way too much money, so we took the free shuttle (hayrack ride) to the Ag Building to see some of the exhibits. It was actually a very cool day, so it felt good to get out of the wind and get warm! On the way home, my kids fell asleep and stayed asleep until we pulled into the garage! It was a very peaceful drive for me!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Richardson County Fair
My friend from high school - Jennifer Teeter - and her girls came to Plattsmouth on September 16th and we carpooled to Humboldt for the Richardson County Fair. We both hadn't been to the fair in a few years, so we decided to go together! Samantha & Jen's middle daughter - Riley - are the same age, so they always have fun together. Clair & Makaya - Jen's youngest daughter are also the same age! We had 5 carseats in my van on way down - it was a full load! We got there just in time for the parade at 11:00am. The kids had fun collecting candy and waving at the people in the parade. Alden LOVED watching the bands. After the parade, we ate lunch at the Band Parent's Stand - something that Jen & I both LOVE doing and missed dearly when we couldn't get back for the fair! We had hamburgers and soup and pie and a lot more! Needless to say... we were stuffed! After lunch, we let the kids ride some rides and they had a lot of fun. Alden was so bummed when he ran out of ride tickets! :) We decided we had spent way too much money, so we took the free shuttle (hayrack ride) to the Ag Building to see some of the exhibits. It was actually a very cool day, so it felt good to get out of the wind and get warm! On the way home, my kids fell asleep and stayed asleep until we pulled into the garage! It was a very peaceful drive for me!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Turkey Crossing
We have some wild turkeys that like to roam around our neighborhood. On a Sunday morning, we saw a whole bunch of them - 25 to 30 turkeys - use our front yard as a crossing area! They went around the side of our house and into the back wooded area. They seemed to like our yard, because they roamed in it for about 10-15 minutes before leaving for a more exciting place! I'm just glad we didn't need to go anywhere in our cars fast!
Jr. Blackshirts
Samantha & Alden went to the Jr. Blackshirt day care during the Husker football game on September 11th. Samantha has always loved going to Jr. Blackshirts, but Alden was a little tentative about going. It turns out that Alden didn't enjoy it as much as Samantha and cried most of the 4 hours he was there. Alden did good enough that they never called Doug or I to come get him, however, you could tell he was very excited to see us when we picked him up after the game! He did have fun playing in Cook Pavilion (where the football team used to practice indoors before they built their new practice facility). He doesn't plan to go back anytime soon! Samantha, however, would like to go back every game!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
UNL Band Song
The kids had a little "Jam" session on Wednesday afternoon. I was doing laundry and heard them singing the UNL Band Song and playing their instruments. We didn't have a trumpet handy, or Samantha would have been playing that instead of the keyboard. Alden had fun going back and forth between the drums and "bongos" (he made out of 2 buckets).
Harvest Festival Parade and Talent Show

Our MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) group walked through the Kiddie parade with our kids on Friday, September 10th. We gave out candy in baggies with our MOPS info and meeting times on it. The kids had a blast walking through the parade! Samantha carried the MOPS banner with 2 of her friends and Alden walked along side the double stroller that I was pushing and waved the whole time and smiled really big!
Samantha's dance class performed in the talent show after the parade. She got to wear her dance costume one more time and do her routine from her dance recital on the big stage at the end of main street! She did so good! Auntie Debra and Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa McKnight came to watch along with Grandma & Grandpa McKnight. After the talent show was over, we went to the River House Cafe in town and had some delicious ice cream!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Plattsmouth Harvest Festival - Coronation

Samantha was chosen to be a flower girl for the Plattsmouth Harvest Festival on Thursday, September 9th. She got to wear her pretty Easter dress again and walked down before the queen and threw out confetti (they really should have called the girls "confetti" girls because they didn't get to throw flowers!). My friend Mandy came over to our house before the coronation and did her hair and she looked so pretty! My mom and my dad came and helped watch the kids while I stood in the back with Samantha until she walked down. Doug's parents came to watch and so did Doug's grandma & grandpa McKnight. Alden & Clair did great waiting and waiting and waiting for Samantha to walk down! (It really took forever to get to her part!) She had a lot of fun waiting though, as her friends were participating in the coronation as well. Her friend Marcus carried the robe for the queen and her friend Courtney was a flower girl too!
Husker Home Opener

We are back updating the blog again. It's been a crazy few weeks! So, stay tuned for more....
Labor Day weekend was the Husker's first game and we were all decked out in RED! The kids stayed home with a babysitter - well 2 babysitters - they are twins - Laura & Anna and the kids love them! Alden even did okay with them! He is usually a mommy's boy and cries a lot, but did really good! Doug & I had a fun time at the game and it should be a great year! GO HUSKERS! Doug & I have taught the kids the UNL Band Song and they now pretend that they are in marching band and marching around with pretend trumpets and sing the band song! It's too cute!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Great-Grandpa Cecil Inducted Into Hall of Fame

Doug's grandpa Cecil McKnight was inducted in the Plattsmouth Hall of Fame as a coach on Friday August 27th at the Plattsmouth High School Football game. He spoke at the high school to all the high school students earlier in the day and Doug and his parents went and watched his speech. We had a nice dinner on the patio at the high school before the game and the kids really enjoyed watching all the people at the game. Alden kept saying "GO HUSKERS" and when we told him the Huskers weren't playing, and that we were yelling for the blue team, he started talking about the "Blue Huskers"!
Matching Girls
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Omaha Royals Baseball Game

Doug & the kids stop for a quick picture before leaving for the game.
3 generations of McKnights - Doug, Sam, Alden, & Jim
4 Generations of McKnights: Doug, Sam, Alden, Jim, & Cecil!
Samantha took a picture with Kasey, but Alden was too afraid! The funniest part about it is that Alden says he wasn't scared! And talks about Kasey all the time!
Doug, Jim (Doug's dad), & Cecil (Doug's grandpa) took Samantha & Alden to one of the final Omaha Royals Baseball games at Rosenblatt Stadium on August 23rd. 4 Generations of McKnights were there!!! Samantha & Alden loved it. Samantha got bored very quickly, but still had a good time! Alden really seems to like watching sporting events and gets very excited! When they got home that night, they couldn't stop talking about all the fun they had! Samantha went last year with Doug & Jim, and she really wanted to go back. She talked her dad into getting the tickets! They plan to go to a game at the Sarpy County Stadium next year!
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3 years old - Nov 2008