We drove down to Kansas City the night of our 8th year wedding anniversary, because we had eye appointments with Uncle Scott the next morning. Debbie & Scott had balloons for us and Debbie made an ice cream cake too! We had a fun evening with the kids at their house. The next morning, Debbie watched Clair while we had eye appointments. Debbie took her on a walk to the park and it sounds like she had fun! A lot more fun than getting our eyes checked. :) We got to see Scott's new office, which was really nice and really close to his house! After the eye appointments, we picked up Clair and headed to the Legends shopping area where we went to the TRex Cafe! The kids loved it! It was very neat inside! Lots of dinosaurs to look at! They got to "Build - A - Dino" at a shop in the restaurant! Alden named his FECTORD again and Samantha named hers PINKASAURUS. We did a little shopping at the Outlet stores and then I drove everyone home. (I didn't get my eyes dilated, so I was in the best shape to drive home.) Samantha, Alden, & Clair all slept the whole way home!
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