Samantha had her first dance recital on Saturday, June 12th. She was on cloud nine the whole day!! :) My friend Mandy came over and did her hair before the 1st show (she had to perform in 2 shows that day - 3:00pm & 7:30pm). Keep in mind that I am "hair challenged" and I am not the best at doing Samantha's hair, so I brought in the experts (and Mandy has 2 boys and no girls to pamper). :) Mandy put makeup on Samantha and gave her some special perfume (which Samantha LOVED). Clair went to Great-Grandma Holman's house as we knew she wouldn't be able to stay quiet for a 1 1/2 - 2 hour show! Alden got to come, and didn't do as well as we expected, but he stayed relatively quiet by playing with Doug's iPod touch during the show. We gave Samantha a rose at the 1st show and she thought that was pretty neat (however Alden didn't think it was fair that Samantha got a rose and he didn't, so we had a fight on our hands)! Grandma & Grandpa McKnight, Aunt Jodi, Auntie Debra, Unlce Greg, Cousin Jamie, Great Grandma & Great Grandma McKnight, Doug & I, Alden, Jannelle, & Rae Lynn were all the 1st show to watch Samantha. She did sooooo good! She was right on beat the whole show! We went to Grandma McKnight's house for a quick supper between shows and then I took Samantha back for the 7:30pm show and Doug kept Alden & Clair. My dad, Great Grandma & Great Granddad Holman, and my friends Mandy & Amanda came to watch Samantha for the late show. Mandy brought Samantha 2 pink carnations and Samantha was once again on cloud nine! Samantha did really good at this show, but you could tell it was past her bedtime and that she had already had a long day! She can't wait for September to get here so she can do dance again! :)
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