We met some friends in Papillion at the Spray Park last week and had a great time. My friends Judy & Mandy & all their boys met us there after Alden's doctor appointment. It wasn't all that hot, but at least sun was out! Alden LOVES the water and it turns out the old kids LOVE the sand! Alden could probably play in the water for hours by himself if you let him. Samantha, Cody, Caden, Isaiah, & Caleb played in the sand almost the whole time we were there. Aside from a few older bullies that wouldn't let Alden play in the sand - the day was great success. (Unless you count Cody's broken toe -but that happened before they got to the spray park that day! :) ) When we were getting ready to leave, I told Samantha to clean the sand off her behind by squatting over the water spray coming out of the ground. She actually listened and found it fun! We may have to take one more trip to the spray park before summer is over!
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