Smiling next to some BIG gorillas!
Auntie Debra with Samantha in the bubble looking at Penguins.
Smiling in the Gorilla house.
Auntie Debra teaching Samantha about Orangutans.
Last Friday (when it was much, much warmer than today, Auntie Debra and I took the kids to the zoo. It was Alden's 1st trip to the zoo! Samantha had a blast. She was afraid of the BIG animals, but with Auntie Debra's help, she warmed up to them as the afternoon went on. We saw the Zebras, Giraffes, Seals, Gorillas, Orangutans, Lions, Tigers, and Penguins. Samantha really liked the Seals and Penguins the best. Alden was just happy to be outside. Today, Samantha said "I go to the Zoo," but it was snowing, so we will have to postpone the next trip until their is nicer weather here.
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