Samantha and "Pop" pose with a few Sesame Street caracters.
...I got to get in on the picture too!
"Pop" and Sam smile from our seats.
They sold these huge Elmo balloons during intermission and then wanted everyone to put them under their seats so that other people could see the show. (They were $8.00!!!! Needless to say...Samanatha did not get one. "Pop" did get her an Elmo spinning light toy, a program, and some popcorn for the show.
On Sunday (Jan. 6th) my dad and I took Samantha to see "When Elmo Grows Up" in Omaha at the Qwest Center. Samantha loved it! We were in the 6th row on the floor, so everything was very close. Samantha loved Elmo and Abby the best. She would say "ABBY" really loud when Abby would enter a scene. When the monsters came down to the floor, she wanted nothing to do with them. She sat on my dad's lap ("POP" as Samantha calls him) most of the show, but when they came down the isle near us, she would want to sit with me because I was further away! Samantha was a very good girl. Lots of the other kids around us were brats, but she was good.
It was my dad's birthday too, so afterward, we met my mom, Doug and Alden at Famous Dave's in Bellevue for supper.
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