Samantha liked her snowman so much, she decided to hug it!
Alden & I pose by the snowman before we run back inside!
Alden didn't really like being bundled up!
Samantha liked her snowman so much, she decided to hug it!
Alden & I pose by the snowman before we run back inside!
Samantha and Alden both wore their Penguin PJs today to celebrate the bitter cold!!
Samantha and "Pop" pose with a few Sesame Street caracters.
...I got to get in on the picture too!
"Pop" and Sam smile from our seats.
They sold these huge Elmo balloons during intermission and then wanted everyone to put them under their seats so that other people could see the show. (They were $8.00!!!! Needless to say...Samanatha did not get one. "Pop" did get her an Elmo spinning light toy, a program, and some popcorn for the show.
Sam, Uncle Chris, Michelle, & Alden waiting our turn for our family picture!
Hanging out on the couch-- Jen, Kayla, Macy, Nancy, Sam & Traci
Macy & Andrew fought over who got to hold Alden! So they ended up sharing!
Girl Cousins (boy are we out numbered! We are only missing two)
From to to bottom: Heather, Sam, Kayla, Macy, Traci, Jen, Michelle, Katie
Boy Cousins: From top to bottom: Lyle, Dan, Keith, Christoph (exchange student), Bryan, Ryan, Matthew, David, Tyler, Chris, Julio, Scott, Brice, Doug, Alden, Andy, Jacob (we were missing two)
Alden, Macy, & Sam (Macy loved to hold Alden, when I asked for him back, she hold baby!)
My cousin Jen from Illinois holding Alden for the 1st time at Christmas
Great Aunts- Lou Ann holding LJ and Karen holding Alden