Samantha it trying to run everywhere. Se will just take off and go. at top speeds she can only go about 5 steps before she bites it. but at a moderate pace she can now go and go. She is very tipsy and has bumped just about every thing possible. She even when face first in to the floor tonight, She did not enjoy that. She also likes to head but things. People walls fish tanks, you name it she will head butt it to see if it will move. I need to do more baby proofing, it is hard to keep up. More teeth have come in. The top (E &F) and one more on the way (D) She has gotten them all out of order and is still lop sided on the bottom. But she loves to grind them because she can see that it makes us nuts. Enjoy the pictures.
"She is very tipsy and has bumped just about every thing possible. She even when face first in to the floor tonight, She did not enjoy that. She also likes to head but things. People walls fish tanks, you name it she will head butt it to see if it will move"
Doug, the above quote reminds me of Leif P.
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