Samantha had her 1st Haircut by Brandy at A Way With Hair in Plattsmouth on Wednesday, December 13th. Her bangs were getting a little long and we wanted to be able to see her pretty brown eyes for pictures at Christmas time. She didn't flinch or cry at all. She just sat really still!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Back at it!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
First Birthday Party

Samantha has celebrated her first birthday one time and 3 more parties to go. The first one was at Her grandma McKnight's. Grandma made brisket and Ham and both McKnight and Holman sides came. Michelle made a #1 cake that was pink of course. Sam is not a big fan of cake she does not like the frosting on her hands. She tried to keep up with A.J. and played with Nick. She got lots of neat toys and was ready for bed early.

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Alexa & Samantha
Samantha and Alexa got their pictures taken at the Picture People today! It was funny, because if Samantha was unhappy, Alexa with Smiling
and if Alexa was unhapp
y, Samantha was up and running away--she did not like sitting still!! We did get a couple cute ones of them together. It was too cold and damp to go to the pumpkin patch, so we skipped that activity, besides-all the picture taking wore out Sam & Alexa!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Slam Dunk!
Sam has been practicing her basketball skills. Grandma Merritt got this basketball hoop for Sam and she really knows how to put the ball in the hoop. she's planning on showing up Uncle Chris the basketball season! Watch out! 
Tomarrow Sam is meeting her friend Alexa Tonjes at the mall for a few "friends pictures" and then it's off to the pumpkin patch in Gretna. As we all know....Sam loves her pumpkins! Alexa and Sam are only 1 month apart. So, it's always fun when they get together!

Tomarrow Sam is meeting her friend Alexa Tonjes at the mall for a few "friends pictures" and then it's off to the pumpkin patch in Gretna. As we all know....Sam loves her pumpkins! Alexa and Sam are only 1 month apart. So, it's always fun when they get together!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Rumblin', Stumblin', and Fumblin'.

Samantha it trying to run everywhere. Se will just take off and go. at top speeds she can only go about 5 steps before she bites it. but at a moderate pace she can now go and go. She is very tipsy and has bumped just about every thing possible. She even when face first in to the floor tonight, She did not enjoy that. She also likes to head but things. People walls fish tanks, you name it she will head butt it to see if it will move. I need to do more baby proofing, it is hard to keep up. More teeth have come in. The top (E &F) and one more on the way (D) She has gotten them all out of order and is still lop sided on the bottom. But she loves to grind them because she can see that it makes us nuts. Enjoy the pictures.
Back Home

Michelle and I had a great trip to las Vegas. I learned a lot at my CE classes and we saw lots of great things at the convention and in the exhibits. We did not get as many free tubes of tooth paste as I though we would but did get some neat stuff. We got some rubber duckies that have teeth for Samantha. We had fun and our feet hurt. There were around 50 thousand people attending the meeting. The convention center was huge. We did not win much in the casinos but when you only bet 25 cents it is hard to win big.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Las Vegas Here We Come!
Michelle & I are leaving for Las Vegas on Monday bright and early. We are going to the American Dental Convention. I am going to do some CE and Michelle is going to do some shopping while I'm in class. we get back on Thursday. Michelle's mom is going to take care of Sam while we are gone. It will be the longest we have left Sam for. She probably won't even miss us!
11 Months Old

Sam turned 11 Months Old this week. Hard to believe that she will be 1 next month. This is one of her 11 month pictures Michelle got taken. She also got another tooth this week! She learned that she can grind her top tooth with one of her bottom teeth and she does it all the time! She is driving us crazy. She's been extra clingy to us this week. It seems like she always want to be held! We're still trying to get her to talk more. Michelle is working on getting her to say MaMa. She kind of already says DaDa. We went to a Syracuse v. Falls City football game on Friday night to watch Michelle's cousin play football. It was kind of cold, so we left at halftime. Sam enjoys the cool air, but she mainly enjoyed licking the zipper on her coat! We won't be able to take her out in very cold weather or her tongue could stick to her zipper! Michelle's brother Chris is probably done for the football season due to his shoulder injury, so we now have Friday nights free for a while (until basketball season starts in December).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Samantha's Tunes

Samantha is exposed to lots of different kinds of music these days. The whole child development group talks about classical in the womb. the baby Cd's are full of crappy Mozart and batoven(yes I know I cant spell) It would be fine if it was the real thing but they dumb it down and make it suck. So I have made Sam her own CD's to develop her little brain. Right know in her cd player that we listen to before bed is a jazz cd. we sample a bit of everything. Dizzy, Miles, David Brubeck, and Maynard. Lots of trumpets, and Herbie Hancock. She really likes the up tempo stuff and Starts to dance around a little bit. She has also had a cd that is full of Rock. Some Ben Folds, Cake, Reel Big Fish are some artist and some songs like little bitty pretty one, Hush, and Hey baby kind of going with a baby style. Here favorite songs are "Omaha, Nebraska", "Hay ya" Particularly the shake it like a Polaroid picture part. Most importantly The marching band is in heavily rotation. She has hear pregame from the womb on. So any suggestions about the Music choices for Samantha are welcome. And yes debbie there is one coltain song on that cd, Giant Steps.(but it is at the end) I would also like to say thanks to everyone for reading and I hope it is enjoyable any suggestions are welcome. And thanks to Steve for Starting his own blog and getting me addicted to reading about his day to day life. I will put a link on as soon as I figure it out.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Little Pumpkin

Sunday the 3 of us went to Pumpkin ridge in Nebraska City. Debbie and Greg went with us. It was a nice little pumpkin patch we walked a round and Sam loved the pumpkins and was smiling and clapping She had a great time. We bought a few pumpkins and Greg found a gourd. Sam taste tested every gourd you would hand her. we had a fun day. we also went to Arbor day farms for a apple slushy. the evening we went out to my parents for dinner to round out a fun weekend.
Hobbs' Wedding

Saturday we went to Lincoln for my cousin Michelle's wedding. It was at the Sunken Gardens. I played trumpet voluntary, Here comes the bride, and ode to joy. Debbie did the wedding service. I could not hear her over traffic and wind but I was a ways a way. The reception was at the Havelock social hall. good food and cake. Sam did not care too much for all the flowers at the garden and when we put her in the grass she did not like her legs touching the grass and would lift them up, she looks like she is going to fall over the whole time. Sam liked to dance at the reception and slept all the way home.

Friday Night, Samantha and Michelle went to Humboldt because Chris was up for homecoming King. He did not win but that just means he can be prom king. Sam and Chris posed for a picture before the Dance. I went to Lincoln for the wedding rehearsal it went quick and the dinner was at rib ranch and very, very tasty.
Friday, October 06, 2006

Big weekend ahead. Chris is up for Homecoming king at HTRS. Samantha and Michelle are in Humboldt to cheer him on. I will be in Lincoln for Michelle Hobbs wedding rehearsal where I am providing the music. Hopefully I sound OK it has been a while since I have played for anyone other than a sea of red. Samantha's top two teeth are finally making their way in, they have made her crabby. This is a random pic. from this summer. Samantha enjoyed splashing next summer could be fun. We will fill you in on all the weekend happenings and Go Big Red.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Here comes Samantha

The pictures on our fridge are gradually getting higher and higher. Somehow she is considered tall for her age, not a trait I gave her. I contributed to her goofy toes and crazy eyebrow movements. It drives Michelle nuts when she gives her one of my odd looks. She is walking more and more on her own, we don't have to dingle a toy in front of her anymore. Still can't steer a walker. She also has not gotten use to walking with shoes on but the great grandparents are happy that we finally put shoes on her every now and then. Sam is now up to 4 teeth, not in the right order she just wants to be different.
On other notes the car will be fine, in a few weeks. Michelle's neck is just a little sore and Samantha has been just fine.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hi, I hope you all will enjoy reading trivial useless information about the McKnight Family Of three. This is the first of many posts and I hope you add your comments along the way. I hope everyone will find my spelling humorus and not correct me to often. I know it is bad that is why I work on teeth not words.
To day was an exciting day on the way to work in Lincoln Michelle hit a Deer Sam only cryed for a min. Michelle and Sam are fine but the car is not. It made an interesting start to the day.
Sam is starting to walk she has taken 13 steps on her own and can go with a walker untill she hits something, Starting to bump her head alot as she trys to go faster than she can handle. any day she will be running and we would wish she was crawling.
This is just a start and I hope I can keep you up to date with Pictures and the life and times of McKnight Family Of Three.
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3 years old - Nov 2008