It was Clair's 2nd Birthday and we partied like crazy.

The day started with a birthday pop tart.

This is her version of a smile. This might be the start of the terrible 2s.

The crazy cake made by Linda Monahan.

Another angle.

Small smash cakes just for the birthday kids. Clair's Cake^^^

And Alden's cake ^^^ for his 4th birthday.

Crazy Alden senses the excitment.

Some decorations.

Sam was a little under the weather, but could still party.

Clair and her "Smiling" teeth.

We asked them to line up for a picture. They forgot where the camera was.

Not too serious that day.

Present time. Reading some cards to Clair.

Awsome New Husker shirt.


Twin Dolls!


Action Shot

Clair would stop unwrapping the presents once she could see what it was! We had to unwrap alot of the backs of the presents.

Alden with his cake.

Clair with hers.

Looking unsure of what to do with her cake.

The kids with Great Aunt Karen and Great-Grandma 'Farmer'.