Samantha's preschool class had a field trip to the Zoo on May 14th. There wasn't much "staying together" with the class, it was kind of a "go where ever you want - you're on your own" kind of trip. We met up with Alison and Drew Moyer and toured the zoo together. We took Alden with us and he had a blast, but we left Clair at home with Doug's mom and I'm sure she had more fun with Grandma than being in a stroller all day! :) We met early outside the gates and snapped a few pictures with Samantha's preschool classmates, and then we never saw them again the whole day! :) Drew, Samantha, and Alden held hands most of the day and we thought one of them would surely fall down and skin a knee from being connected all day, however, it was Samantha who skinned her knee not once but twice that day! And neither time was from running while holding each other's hands. :) We saw the Giraffes, Zebras, Sea Lions, Gorillas, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Aquarium, and Jungle!! The new Madagascar exhibit was open, and we were able to walk through it. Although, I think the kids were a little disappointed to only see Lemurs, Lemurs, and more Lemurs....and no big animals like on the movie Madagascar. The exhibit was very educational and I even learned a few things about Madagascar! :) I think we were all amazed at how much ground we covered! After the Gorillas, we stopped at the picnic tables to grab a snack and see Samantha & Drew's teachers - Miss Janet & Miss Nancy. This counted as our lunch because they had so many left over snacks from the school year! After our snacks, we went to the Jungle by Drew's request. Samantha and Alden went across the rope bridge with Alison and Drew - which was a first for them! At about 2:00, we decided we were all done and needed to head to the car. Samantha slept the whole way home, which is very odd because she doesn't take naps, but Alden didn't take a nap at all that day. I guess he was just too excited to sleep! :)