I took Samantha & Alden to Vala's Pumpkin Patch near Gretna this morning. I really wanted to go to a Pumpkin Patch before the baby comes, and the weather looked great for their "pumpkin patch" outfits! :) It was a little windier than we planned on, so their "outfits" got covered up by windbreakers, but it was still a great morning. Both kids walked, as I refused to push around the stroller. The kids had fun looking at the goats, camels, and horses and putting their head through all the fun little painting around the area. Alden is at a weird age where he's afraid of EVERYTHING.... noisy trucks, big animals, etc. He didn't like the skeletons that they had entertaining people through the place, and constantly clung to me. Both of the kids' favorite parts was the hayrack ride to the pumpkin patch. Alden actually liked the tractor that pulled us (I was a little leary of that). We didn't pick a pumpkin from the actual patch, because I didn't want to carry it around all morning, but we did get a few smaller pumpkins as we left for the day. We got a bag of popcorn and sat and ate it for a little while and then decided we'd had enough! It was a great finale for me and my life as a mother of just 2 kids...