Last Tuesday when the weather was oh-so nice, my mom came up to go to the Henry Doorly Zoo with the kids and I. It was almost 60 degrees that day and we barely needed jackets! It was amazing! This was the 1st time that my mom had been to the zoo with the kids, so it was really fun. We started out with the giraffes, which were all inside because of construction. :( After some pictures on the giraffe statue, we walked to the zebras and the kids seemed to enjoy watching the ostriches with them. Next we walked to the sea lions, which were getting fed at the time, so the kids loved that. Since it was my mom's 1st time at the zoo with the kids, we trekked up the hill to the elephants and rhinos. We were very mad because neither one was available for viewing and the hill was MASSIVE! :) Next up were the gorillas, which Alden liked the best. He could have stood there for hours just watching them. We saw the lions and then the penguins and fish and sharks before heading home. We spent the whole afternoon there and we were all pretty tired from the day. The kids napped on the way home and my mom and I got Applebees for supper and she stayed for awhile and played with the kids when we got home. It was a great day! :)