On Thursday night, Samantha, Alden, & I went to the Syracuse/Plattsmouth/Auburn Triangular Softball games in Plattsmouth, to watch my cousin Traci play. My Aunt Sue and Uncle Jim and my mom all were there. We had a great time. Sam & I were thrilled to be out in the fresh air. Sam went on walks with Sue & my mom and loved jumping and running around. Traci played really good. She is the catcher for Syracuse. She threw a couple people out during the evening and had a couple of really good hits. Syracuse beat Auburn by a lot and then beat Plattsmouth in the last inning by 1 run.
Pictures: 1. Traci batting, 2. Traci running towards home plate in her catcher's gear, 3. My mom with Samantha & Aldne, 4. Samantha & Traci after the game, and 5. Traci's friend Kalli with Samantha.